Thursday, May 27, 2010

Potty Training

I have been trying to potty train my 3 year old for quite some time now. He won't always tell me when he has to go potty, so accidents are frequent. I do ask him frequently if he has to go potty, and he will say no. Yet a few seconds later, his "big boy" underwear are soaked. And the funny thing is, he doesn't seem to mind it! He will go right along playing!
I am getting more and more determined to potty train him NOW!!!
I try the M & M 's after he potty's.. stickers..... nothing keeps him interested!
He also has not had a bowel movement yet in the potty... Any suggestions on that as well??

HELP ME!!!!!!


Elaine Welte said...

I have a 2 year old that I've been potty training. I realize that they'll do it in their own time. But, we used a 3 day method and she did well with that, although she still has some accidents. Here's a link to all of my pt posts.

good luck!

Shanna said...

Thank you so much!!! Going to check them out now!!!!

laura said...

My little guy is very stubborn. He knew how to potty, but getting him to go was the problem. He was often too busy to go and would have accidents. One day while shopping in the kitchen section, I picked up a 60 minute timer. We set the timer & every 60 minutes when it would go off, he knew it was time to stop what he was doing and go potty. It didn't take but 2 or so weeks & no more accidents. It's been 3 months now and he's not even wearing a pull-up to bed anymore! He turned 3 on 12/23/09!

Good luck!

Shanna said...

Oh that idea is genius!! I will have to get one!!
I never thought of that!! It's so easy to get caught up in everyday activities/things, and forget about making sure he was using the bathroom! Plus, he will get a kick out of being able to set the timer, and turning it off, etc. The joys of a 3 year old! Thanks so much!

Rebecca@This Present Life said...

Hi Shanna, I have a 3 year old son, too and I started freaking out about the whole potty training thing. I turned to friends, the internet, books, etc... to try to figure out the best method. After all of that "research" I decided that HE will let US know when he's ready. If I try to push it before that I'll be stressed, he'll be stressed, we'll all be stressed! And personally, I don't mind the diapers. I'd rather change a diaper than clean up a bunch of accidents. Just my 2 cents. But if you find something that works, by all means, share it!

Shanna said...

I'm glad that someone else is in the same boat... I mean, I don't REALLY mind it... it's more of the fact I wanted him to start preK this fall...
A lot of people can't believe he is 3, and not potty trained, and will blame it on me.
It's just getting sickening.

The Tight-Fisted Penny said...

Friday following.
Put Fruit Loops in the toilet and have him aim at them. Makes going to the potty a challenge and fun!

Kassandra said...

I have a 3 year old girl (turned 3 in March) and she was almost fully potty trained around 20 months and then had issues with constipation and reverted back to diapers. I was so frustrated, and still am. Her pedi tells me that she will go when she is ready, esp. kids that have constipation, usually start later on after they get over their fear of going potty. She was wearing panties for a few months but we have had to put her BACK in pull ups these past 2 weeks after she was having too many accidents and she has been going on the potty more since....go figure.

Michelle said...

I'm in the same boat! I'll be reading through your comments for advice as well. Thanks for sending out the SOS.