Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday Follow

I cannot believe it is Friday already. It seems the day's are cruising by! That's okay with me... A week from today we are leaving to go up north for 11 days to our gorgeous cabin on a lake. Our entire family goes every year, I need some R & R so bad. Not to worry, I will be taking a ridiculous amounts of pictures to show you all!

Anyway, it's Friday-Follow again!

friday-followSmart and Trendy Moms


Can't wait to meet new followers...Can't wait to get the heck out of the city! =]


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by! I am following you now. Enjoy your lake cabin. Can't wait to see pics.

Emily's Family said...

Hi there, thanks for stopping by and following me. I am your newest follower and look forward to checking your blog out.

Coupon Mommy of 3

Make sure you are a fan of my facebook to receive all the most updated information and current facebook giveaways:

The Drama Mama said...

Thanks for the follow! I'm following back!

Kelly said...

Thanks for following :) I've actually been following you I just forgot to leave you a comment. Damn mommy & chemo brain!!

Enjoy your vacay!! I can't wait for ours!!

Beth said...

Thanks for stopping by! I'm following you now too! Cute blog design :)

Andrea said...

Following U back! :) Love your background! And I just started an About Me page, too!

Corinne Rodrigues said...

Following you from Fun Follow Friday.....will be back to catch up on your posts.

Just Trying To Save Money said...

Thanks for stopping by, I am your newest follower!! Love your layout!!

Ciera said...

Thanks for following :) I am now your newest follower, cant wait to read more!

Kathleen said...

What a beautiful blog you have and I love the idea behind it. It will be a pleasure to watch your family grow and learn of all your daily adventures. Thank-you for stopping by my blog!


Kristin said...

Thank you for stopping by! I am a SAHM of one and hoping for another little one too. :) Hope you have a nice weekend!

C M Mommy said...

Thanks, I'm following you back!

Jennifer said...

Thanks for stopping by! Following you back! I look forward to reading more!

Emily said...

Stopping by to check out your great blog and the new Twitter button you grabbed, it looks great- one of my favorites! :)

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Rebekah said...

I found you blog through Social Parade, and I follow you too now!


Unknown said...

Following you back from Follow Friday! Thanks so much for stopping by The Foodie Mommie! I really like your blog and will be back again!

Mystee said...

I'm your newest follower. Have a great weekend.


Unknown said...

P.S. I also grabbed your button and added it to my blog roll!

Erin Wallace said...

Thank you for stopping by Dropped Stitches and following! I am returning the favor.

xo Erin

Kelli said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am now your newest follower! Have a great day!

Victoria said...

have fun on your trip!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

I'm following you back :)


Stacey @ Chasing Cloud 9 said...

Thanks for stopping by! I'm now your newest follower ;)

Danielle @ We Have It All said...

Thanks for following, I'm following back :) When I get a chance this weekend (yeah right!) I will look around your blog.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by and following! I am following right back! Love the blog! :)

Katie said...

Thanks for stopping by and following! I am following back! Have a GREAT weekend!

Audrey said...

Thanks so much for joining the Over 40 FF! It's my first week, and I'm having so much fun :)
Have a great weekend.

Oh- I'm following your blog now!

LeAnn said...

Thanks for visiting The Squeaky Grocery Cart. New follower :)

Diane said...

Im just stopping by to say hi! Thanks for following my blog, Im now a follower of yours! Have a nice weekend : )

Anonymous said...

Thanks for following. I am following back :)

~Lori@live,laugh,love,create :)

missykade said...

Following, would love to have you follow us back if you haven't already :)

Lucas's Journey with Sensory Processing Disorder

Mystee said...

I'm your newest follower from It's Friday, I'm hopping.
Have a great weekend


Home-Mom said...

thnx so much for posting my 1st ever its friday i'm hopping ad! came bye just to say thnx ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm now following you too!! ;)

Have a lovely weekend!

Kimberly Walker said...

I noticed that you are following me... of course I had to stop by and check out your blog. I am now following yours and look forward to reading more of your stuff.
All the best,

Trisha B said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm your newest follower!

jenn said...

I am a new your blog header.

Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said...

Hi Shanna~

I'm stopping by from Blog Hop Friday. Thanks for stopping by my blog AND for becoming my 'Follower'. I truly appreciate it as I love to make new blog friends. :0) I really hope you will come by and visit again soon. I just became your newest Follower and I look forward to reading more of you blog soon.

Have a wonderfully blessed Sunday!


Teresa <><

♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥